Thursday 12 March 2015

Stuart Hall's Theory of Encoding and Decoding

A theory that we could use to help with analysing and researching a text is Stuart Hall's Encoding and Decoding, trying to find out meanings with in the text to create a stronger argument. This help when it comes to representation looking at the signifiers and whats signified that are shown in the text that we are looking at, which in our case is film, tv programmes and news.

Within this Stuart Hall's book 'Culture, Media, Language' he talks about encoding and decoding and how in which you can apply the theory to your work. In the book he says 'the representation of violence on the television screen 'are not violence but messages about violence'' this then relates to some of the news stories we have spoke about, and how they just tell the audience a story about violence but it may not be a true representation of how the area is when the violence is not happening.
Armani Moffatt
154 Words

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