Tuesday 24 March 2015

Representation of London through 'Rising Child Obesity' (2014)

The telegraph reported in 2014 that there is a serious rise in childhood obesity with one in ten children being extremely over weight by the age of five years old. This epidemic is not just one that is isolated to London it is a world wide issue, London however has had a continuously increasing case of childhood obesity it has one of the highest percentages of childhood and adult obesity in Europe. This type of problem is causing the NHS Billions of pounds every year as people are submitted to hospital everyday with weight related issues. Most of the children that suffer from obesity come from the lower classes and this can have major consequences.

Many children act out when they don't feel as if they are being listened to and heard and obesity could possibly be one of the contributing factors that are causing youths to act out and this feeds into the discourse that long is a dangerous place due to the youth and gang cultures that have subsequently taken over the streets of London. This connotes that not only the children but their parents in the poorer areas of London are not being properly educated about their health and the results of such obesity problems.

News Report Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/11271032/Warning-over-rising-child-obesity.html

Tylar Gilbert
Student Number: 1310195
Word Count:  212

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