Tuesday 24 March 2015

Jean Baudrillard theory of Modern Myths, Reality and illusion

Baudrillard theory's about modern myths within society relates very well when it comes to they way in which an area is represented. This is because most of the time an area is represented though the people and the different societies within the area, but there can be a lot of myths as to how people are represented to be like in different places. 'These modern myths are dealt with in the terms in which they circulate within the culture - in the press, television, films, art. science fiction, literature, even sociology and philosophy - rather than in the singular language of science' Dants, T (2003) this is a quote from Critical Social Theory, which just highlights the point that the myths that we hear about modern society and mostly portrayed through media forms. 

This is shown in our blog when we looked at the TV programme 'Chelsea', and the people within this West London are represented as being posh, well spoken and rich, yet around the same area the film 'Kidulthood' was filmed which a completely different representation of people are shown. This just proves that within different TV programmes, films and news they try and create this myth of what kind of people occupy the area. Yet audiences are willing to buy into this myth for there own security to fit in to society, showing the modern myth will always be around because people like to think that categorising different people and area create some organisation in with world.

Dant, T (2003) Critical Social Theory, Culture, Society and Critique, London: Sage, page 38

Armani Moffatt
247 words

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