Monday 23 March 2015

Stuart Hall 'Making Meaning, Representing Things' (1997)

   Stuart Hall talks about conceptual map - the relationship of the concepts. Each person has a different and unique understanding and interpretation of the things. On the other hand, if we share the same culture - we share the meanings and conceptual maps. That is why in many occasions when we watch a film, TV news or any TV show we make our own interpretation of it and our understanding might be different from others. However, as we share meanings, we see things in a very similar way.
   Representation is the production of meaning. Stuart Hall says visual images are used to express meanings. Images, sounds and words function as sings and sings which express the meaning is a language. He describes language as part of the system of representation. Different languages represents different concepts: 'Visual sings and images, even when they bear a close resemblance to the things to which they refer, are still sings; they carry meaning and thus have to be interpreted'. He says the meaning is not in the object, thing or word so we are the ones who fix it. However, if the meaning is the result of our social, cultural or linguistic conventions it can never be finally fixed.
   Overall, our representation and interpretations of films and other TV content can vary depending on our social or cultural background and it may effect the way we are used to see the things and decode its meanings.

Ieva Kaleininkaite
242 words.

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