Wednesday 25 March 2015

Cities and Urban Cultures

'When conceptualized as a text, it is possible to uncover the range of cultural values embedded in urban landscapes, buildings and monuments as well as in the many ways in which the city is represented.' (Roland Barthes).
Very often the city is represented through various objects, places or events. We may had not ever been to the place but we have an opinion about it and our own interpretation of it. Many cities as well as London has something we associate them with: famous bridges, buildings, famous places, streets, people. Our views and interpretations depend on what we see in the films, news, television and we truly believe that any media content can help us get to know and experience places better.

'Representations are pivotal in shaping the ways in which we know and imagine the city' (Deborah Stevenson).
Our trust in media text is extraordinary. We believe in what we see or hear. People shape their dreams and imaginations of the different places around the world on their experiences based on what was shown in the media and the way it was represented. 

London as many other famous cities can be called 'Imagined City' as people receive so many representations of this place through various media forms and contents that is hard for them to distinguish what is real and imagined. It applies to many other places around the world as well.

Ieva Kaleininkaite
233 words.

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