Tuesday 24 March 2015

Representation of London Through the Public Transport

   Millions of Londoners use public transport everyday and it plays a major role in their day to day travel experiences in such an enormous city. No doubt, the commuters of this major city are dependent on the public transport as it provides them with the quickest or cheapest ways of getting from A to B. Particularly when it comes to traveling to work or school and in order to be punctual they have to plan their journey well and in advance, think of all alternative routes and calculate the time carefully as many unexpected situations happen in London underground and buses every day: from traffic on the road to traffic light failure in the tube.  
   Unfortunately, unsatisfied staff members of the public transport go on strike from time to time causing a great disruptions in Londoners daily routines. Video footage and images of the crowded bus stops and underground stations shown on the news proved how someone's ordinary day can easily turn into the most chaotic and stressful part of their travel experience in London. Everything gets affected: people spend hours queuing for the train or the bus, they are late to work, school etc, or have to miss it and stay at home as there are almost no alternatives. These incidents show how important public transport is to the commuters of this city and how quick and calm journey can turn into the worst nightmare for every travelling Londoner.
   In conclusion, we can now say that public transportation is a vital resource of which us as commuters need in order to reach our destinations.

Ieva Kaleininkaite
265 words.

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