Wednesday 25 March 2015

Representation of East London through 'Educating Walthamstow'

Last year there was a programme on channel 4 based in Yorkshire and from that came a third series, the cameras headed down to east London's Frederick Bremer School. Educating Walthamstow will follow the day-to-day goings on in the East End community school under the stewardship of ambitious head teacher, Jenny Smith.

"There is a bit of demonization of young people in London," says Ms Smith. "They are seen to be gangsters, they are seen to be wearing hoodies, and they're seen to be getting involved in crime. There's a real perception that young people are out of control." By channel 4 coming in the school can show that its not all like this in London. "Something like this will help shape that perception of a London teenager and a Walthamstow teenager." (Arrest,2014)

These children are normal London teenagers who don't normally get a voice and if they do it is often bad. this is why a programme like this will show that not every London student grows up to do drugs, be a criminal and have a stereotype of a 'Hoodie'. The pupils in Walthamstow have something so different to offer because of the diversity in London and the mix of cultures that are in this school. this programme just shows that having a mixture of cultures strives them to learn and be educated just as well as a same cultured school. London is one of the most diverse cities on earth. This show just proved the stereotype wrong within London, it proves that just because people grow up in lower class areas and go to a mixed school doesn't mean they are going to be something that the media has portrayed london youths to be.

Chloe O'Brien
Words - 302

Aroesti, R. (2014). Educating the East End: ‘This will change the perception of London teenagers’. Available: Last accessed 22nd march 2015

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