Friday 6 March 2015

Representation of London through 'Alcohol Related Incidences' (2014)

A News report suggests that it cost the London's emergence services £60million-a-year to deal with alcohol related incidences, the statistics showed that the London ambulance service is called around 200 times a day to deal with such incidents. its suggested that there should be more drunk tanks and booze buses to help deal with public drinking instead of the emergence services. This article suggest that a huge number of people are unable to handle their drinking and are causing a lot of trouble for the emergency services, which in turn causes a wider issue as the emergency services are not able to deal with more serious problems.

This report feeds into the stereotypes of the young dangerous youths that many people have due to incidences such as the London riot's. This representation of people cements that London of a night time is very much a dangerous and violent place as there are a continuous amounts of drunk people causing mayhem.


Tylar Gilbert
Student Number: 1310195
Word Count: 160

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