Thursday 26 March 2015

Representation of London through 'Diverse Cultures'

There are three particular boroughs in which white people are in the minority - Tower Hamlets, Newham and Brent. London is more diverse than any other parts of the country but this can make London seem more attractive to people because of this vast diverse culture.

The society is very diverse, with people from different classes and ethnic origins. There are more than 300 languages that are spoken by more than 8 million people that are currently living in London. You will certainly meet people of different races and faiths while being here. Although within class you will see that a lot of the time upper, middle and working class people don't tend to mix that much, although they could be living in the same area it is not seen as the 'norm' to be associated with other classes. London's young and diverse population can be seen a huge strength but some children are prevented from taking part in this success by the pressures of living in poverty.

Walking out your door and seeing so many different races, religions and nationalities just shows how London has come together and brought people from around the world together into one place. Yes some people have a lot of bad things to say about the multicultural London but i don't. London strives and gets its popularity from not only the amazing sites but the people within it.

Chloe O'Brien
Words - 

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