Thursday 5 March 2015

Representation of NorthWest London through 'Inbetweeners' (2008-2010)

The inbetweeners is a comedy which is based in Ruislip which is in northwest London. With in this TV series it follows the lives of 4 boys who are classes as 'geeks' or 'freaks' and all the different things they get up to. The area in which it is based is represented as being very clean and friendly, with only the boys getting into trouble which either turns people against them or ruins the area around them.

Will moves to Rudge Park school from a private and finds himself being friends with Simon, Jay and Niel. Will is then typical represented as being posh, therefore being well spoken smart and good, but moving school and getting into the friendship group he did caused him to go against his posh stereotype and being to be a bit more outgoing. Yet because this is a comedy they way in which he does go against his stereotype is very comical. 

The area in which they live in is very well looked after and the houses in which they live in are very grand. To the right is a picture from the series of Neil's house, which is shown to be very well kept. 
They also then go again the representation of them may having a lot of money when Simon get a 'banger' car from his parents who could have afforded a better car. This then challenges the representation of the area looking nice because Simons car is an eyesore.

Armani Moffat
247 Word

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