Wednesday 25 February 2015

Representations of West London though 'Adulthood' (2008)

Adulthood is a sequel to 'kidulthood' and also set in the area of west London but does have a slight different representation of the area. This is because it is set six years later and more of less shows how things have changed and how one of the main characters have matured tries to apologise to people he had hurt and for the people who served him wrong to serve justice, therefore challenging the original representation.

Through out this film it goes against it s stereotype in which it created in the film 'kidulthood' of teenagers being uncontrollable, angry and unsuccessful and shows how some of the characters have moved on a done well with their life. An example of this is Alisa, she becomes a young mum who tried to give herself an abortion by hitting her stomach in 'kidulthood' to now in 'adulthood' being a good mother who did not want her daughter around people that could be a bad influence, which was shown when Sam comes to her front door and tried to talk to her. Another character that broke the stereotype was Moony, who got out of all the gang crime and violence and ends up going to university and creating a better future for himself. Which then changes the representation of the area being a bad place and showing that people have made the best out of their lives even though in 'kidulthood' the area s represented in a bad way.

Armani Moffatt
246 Words

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