Monday 23 February 2015

Representation of South East London through 'Misfits' (2009-2013)


Misfits is a British drama about a group of young offenders sentenced to work in a community service program, where they obtain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm. The film is set in South East London mostly around the Southmere Lake in Thamesmead although some was shot at Brunel university and on top of the lakeside centre.

The TV programme is representing the youth within a deprived area of London. We do begin to relate to the characters and understand how they got into trouble and that they are good people but because of there background they just need a bit of guidance. The main social class that is represented within the show is the lower class. It shows how people growing up in a poor lower class area are stereotyped to turn out this way. This programe shows that social class is a very important form within London and explains within the show that it has an impact on how we grow up and the choices that youths make. Misfits tends to demonize the youths within this area.

This programme impacts the youth of London as it is a distortion of reality, No one know what actually came first was it reality or media interpretation? So how can we claim where the representation of London youth came from if we don’t have an answer to where it came from. David Guantlett argues, “Identities are not ‘given’ but are constructed and negotiated”. His quote seems to be saying he believes it’s a media interpretation (in my opinion), youths in London are being constructed with the use of TV programmes like this one.

Chloe O'Brien
words -  273 

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