Tuesday 24 February 2015

Representation of London through 'Football Fans' (2015)

Football in London like in the rest of the country is a big thing. Thousands of fans gather to watch the games and support their favourite team. For them it is like a second religion and they take their role of being a fan very seriously, unfortunately, sometimes too seriously. Recent events where the fans of Chelsea - London football club, racially abused black man in the Paris underground were shocking. It was followed by the fans of the same football club shouting racial chants in the London train station. It was covered in the news and caused the disappointment and anger of other fans and Chelsea football club itself. According to the Guardian the club declared that anyone who was involved will be banned for life.


Fans that represent their football club represent their city. The disgraceful behaviour of these London football fans made the city to be seen as very racist, full of aggressive, abusive fans. It gives a negative impression of London and the football club whose fans misbehaved, to people from all over the world.

Similar unapproprate behaviour of London football fans who shouted anti-semitic chants before West Ham match was filmed, posted in the internet and recently covered in the news:


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