Monday 16 February 2015

Representation of North London through 'The Tottenham Riots' (2011)

The Tottenham Riots in north London was very controversial from where these riots happened because of the killing of Mark Duggan, and innocent man who was shot and killed by police. This riot started off as a protest which got out of hand and became a riot, and ended up causing thousands of pounds worth of damage. There was live footage of what was happening and was able to be seen across the country.

This riot then portrayed north London as being a bad area because petrol bombs where being thrown at police officers and shops where being broken into resulting in things being stolen. Just like any situation there where people that genially wanted to protest, because they where outraged at the fact that and innocent man had been killed. Yet there where some people that took this a bit to far and resulted in violence which then gives the area a bad name.'Shops in the ares were looted, with people seen pushing away shopping trolleys full of goods. One local resident told the BBC that looting continued beyond daybreak on Sunday.' This is a quote taken from the BBC news website, which gives the audience an image of people stealing and not having no remorse about it.

BBC News London (2011) Available at: (accessed: 17/02/2015)

Here is a clip from the live footage of the riots, and within this clip you can hear a caller called Sam talking about how the area is usually a very nice place and seems very safe to walk on the streets. This shows that despite this one very bad riots people do feel that the area is a nice place, but they way in which it is being represented in the clips tells a completely different story. Yet again showing that things that you see in the news doesn't all want to represent area's in a good light but would rather show it looking like a very unsafe environment.
Armani Moffatt
340 Words

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