Friday 13 February 2015

Representation of London through 'Rich, Russian and Living in London' (2015)

'Rich, Russian and Living in London' is part of the BBC Documentary series - Lives of the Super Rich (2015). This one hour long documentary follows the lives of some very rich Russians who live in London, uncovers the reasons  this super city is so attractive to them and what is it feel like to live and adapt in new culture.

The most attractive way of making profit for Russian millionaires are  to invest in properties. They are particularly interested in the most expensive places in London like Chelsea, Mayfair or Knightsbridge. As Russia itself faces economic crisis, they claim that by investing and creating various businesses in London they take an important part in the economical growth of this city.

As it is said in documentary Russians like comfort and never hesitate to invest in their children's educations as to them it's one of the most important things. One of them is particularly interested and invest millions in art. He is also a founder of the charity organisation who support students with scholarships that gives them a chance to get the education.

There are many reasons why the Russian millionaires shown in this documentary are in love with this city and this country. They explain that many things in Russia were limited and even forbidden meanwhile in London they found the complete freedom to express themselves and be able to do thing they have never tried before due to various restrictions back in Russia. One Russian lady who works as a Life Style Consultant in London says that those are the main reasons why Russians normally like to show off by wearing massive and expensive jewellery, driving nice cars as it used to be something impossible to get in Russia and it makes them feel proud they can afford to have it now.

While talking about the cultural differences they mention how polite and welcoming British people are thou they don't think they are open enough or let others in easily. Russian people find it unusual to smile or be nice to the strangers in the streets while British think Russians are rude or unsociable as they are always too serious. Nevertheless, they all admit that London is their home and at the end it is worth to get yourself adapted to its life style and culture.

(Rich, Russian and Living in London (2015), BBC Documentary)
Ieva Kaleininkaite
389 words.

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